Verbs that start with S | Verbs starting with S


Verbs that Start with S

We found 1696 Verbs that start with S.  You can add your own verbs that start with S in the comments box.


Verbs that start with Sa

Sab, Sabo, Sabotage, Sabre, Sack, Sack Out, Sacralize, Sacramentalize, Sacrifice, Sadden, Saddle, Saddle-notch, Saddle Stitch, Safeguard, Safekeep, Sag, Sag Off, Said, Sail, Saint, Salaam, Salami-slice, Salary, Salinate, Salinize, Salivate, Sally, Salt, Salt Something Away, Salt Something Out, Salute, Salvage, Salve, Samba, Sample, Sanctify, Sanction, Sand, Sandbag, Sandblast, Sandpaper, Sandwich, Sanitate, Sanitize, Sap, Saponify, Sardine, Sashay, Sass, Satanize, Sate, Satiate, Satinize, Satirize, Satisfice, Satisfy, Saturate, Saturday-night, Sauce, Saunter, Sauté, Savage, Savagize, Save, Savour, Savvy, Saw, Saxonize, Say

Verbs that start with Sc

Scab, Scaffold, Scald, Scale, Scale Something Back, Scale Something Down (Or Scale Down), Scale Something Up (Or Scale Up), Scallop, Scalp, Scam, Scamp, Scamper, Scan, Scandalize, Scant, Scapegoat, Scar, Scare, Scare Something Up, Scarf, Scarify, Scarp, Scarper, Scat, Scathe, Scatter, Scavenge, Scenarize, Scend, Scene-steal, Scent, Scent Mark, Schedule, Schematize, Scheme, Schlenter, Schlep, Schmear, Schmooze, School, Schuss, Sciagraph, Scientize, Scind, Scintillate, Scissor, Scissor-cut, Scissors And Paste, Scoff, Scold, Scollop, Scooch, Scoop, Scoosh, Scoot, Scooter, Scope, Scorch, Score, Scorn, Scotch, Scotchgard, Scotch Tape, Scotomize, Scotticize, Scottify, Scour, Scourge, Scout, Scowl, Scrab, Scrabble, Scrag, Scram, Scramble, Scrap, Scrape, Scratch, Scrawl, Scream, Screech, Screed, Screel, Screen, Screen Capture, Screencast, Screen Grab, Screen-print, Screenshot, Screen Test, Screw, Screw Around, Screw Someone Over, Screw Someone Up, Screw Something Up, Screw Up, Scribble, Scribe, Scrimmage, Scrimp, Scrimshander, Scrimshank, Scrimshaw, Scringe, Script, Scroll, Scrooch, Scrounge, Scrub, Scrub-bash, Scrub-dash, Scruff, Scrum, Scrummage, Scrump, Scrumple, Scrunch, Scrunch-dry, Scruple, Scrutinize, Scry, Scuba-dive, Scud, Scuff, Scuffle, Scull, Sculpt, Sculpture, Scum, Scumble, Scunner, Scupper, Scurry, Scutch, Scutter, Scuttle, Scythe

Verbs that start with Se

Seal, Seam, Sear, Search, Season, Seat, Secede, Seclude, Second, Second-guess, Second Screen, Secrete, Sectarianize, Section, Sectionalize, Secularize, Secure, Securitize, Sedate, Sediment, Seduce, See, See About (Or See To), See After, Seed, Seek, Seel, Seem, Seen, See Over, Seep, See-saw, See Someone Off, See Someone Out, See Someone Through, See Something Of, See Something Out, See Something Through, Seethe, See Through, Segment, Segmentalize, Segregate, Segue, Seine, Seize, Seize On/upon, Select, Self, Self-assemble, Self-certify, Self-correct, Self-deport, Self-destruct, Self-diagnose, Self-feed, Self-fund, Self-harm, Self-identify, Self-immolate, Self-medicate, Self-publish, Self-refer, Self-report, Self-seed, Self-select, Self-soothe, Self-sow, Sell, Sellotape, Semanticize, Semaphore, Semitize, Send, Send Away For, Send For, Send Off For, Send Someone/something Up, Send Someone Down, Send Someone Off, Send Something Down, Send Something In, Send Something Off, Send Something On, Send Something Out, Senesce, Sensationalize, Sense, Sensibilize, Sensitize, Sensualize, Sentence, Sentimentalize, Sentinel, Separate, Septuple, Sepulchre, Sequence, Sequester, Sequestrate, Serenade, Serialize, Seriate, Sermonize, Seroconvert, Serotype, Serpentine, Serpentinize, Serve, Service, Set, Set About, Set Forth (Or Forward), Set In, Set Off, Set On (Or Upon), Set Oneself Up As, Set Out, Set Someone/something Back, Set Someone/something On (Or Upon), Set Someone Against, Set Someone Apart, Set Someone Down, Set Someone Off, Set Someone Up, Set Something Against, Set Something Apart, Set Something Aside, Set Something By, Set Something Down, Set Something Forth, Set Something In, Set Something Off, Set Something Off Against, Set Something Out, Set Something Up, Settle, Set To, Sever, Sew, Sew Something Up, Sex, Sext, Sextuple, Sexualize, Sez

Verbs that start with Sh

Shack, Shackle, Shade, Shadow, Shadow-box, Shaft, Shag, Shake, Shake ‘n Bake, Shake Down, Shake On, Shake Someone Down, Shake Someone Off, Shake Someone Up, Shake Something Off, Shake Something Out, Shake Something Up, Shall, Shallow, Shallow-fry, Sham, Shamanize, Shamble, Shame, Shampoo, Shanghai, Shank, Shape, Shape Up, Share, Sharecrop, Shark, Sharp, Sharpen, Shatter, Shave, Sheaf, Shear, Sheathe, Sheave, Shed, Sheen, Sheer, Sheet, Shelf, Shell, Shellac, Shell Something Out, Shelter, Shelve, Shepherd, Sherardize, Shew, Shield, Shift, Shill, Shilly-shally, Shim, Shimmer, Shimmy, Shin, Shine, Shine Through, Shingle, Shinny, Ship, Shiplap, Shipwreck, Shirk, Shirr, Shirt Front, Shit, Shitcan, Shiver, Shoal, Shock, Shoe, Shoehorn, Shoo, Shook, Shoot, Shoot Someone/something Down, Shoot Someone/something Up, Shoot Through, Shoot Up, Shop, Shop Gaze, Shoplift, Shore, Short, Short-change, Short Circuit, Shorten, Short Head, Shortlist, Short-sheet, Shot, Shot-blast, Shotgun, Shot-peen, Should, Shoulder, Shoulder Charge, Shoulder Surf, Shout, Shove, Shovel, Shove Off, Shove Up, Show, Showboat, Showcase, Shower, Showerproof, Showjump, Show Off, Show Out, Show Someone/something Off, Show Someone/something Up, Show Someone Round, Show Something Forth, Shred, Shriek, Shrill, Shrimp, Shrine, Shrink, Shrink-wrap, Shrive, Shrivel, Shroud, Shrug, Shtum, Shtup, Shuck, Shudder, Shuffle, Shun, Shunt, Shush, Shu-shu, Shut, Shut Down (Or Shut Something Down), Shut Off (Or Shut Something Off), Shut Oneself Off, Shut Someone/something Away, Shut Someone/something In, Shut Someone/something Out, Shut Something Up, Shutter, Shuttle, Shut Up (Or Shut Someone Up), Shvitz, Shy

Verbs that start with Si

Sibilate, Sic, Sick, Sicken, Side, Sidearm, Side-dress, Side-foot, Sideline, Siderate, Siderealize, Side-skid, Side-slip, Sidestep, Sideswipe, Sidetrack, Sidewind, Sidewipe, Sidle, Sieve, Sift, Sigh, Sight, Sight-read, Sightsee, Sight-sing, Sign, Signal, Signal-boost, Signalize, Sign For, Signify, Sign In (Or Out), Sign Off, Sign Off On, Sign On, Signpost, Sign Someone In (Or Out), Sign Someone Off, Sign Someone On, Sign Someone Up, Sign Something Away/over, Sign Something Out, Sign Up, Silage, Silence, Silhouette, Silicify, Silicone, Siliconize, Silk Screen, Silo, Silt, Silver, Silver Plate, Simmer, Simonize, Simper, Simplify, Simulate, Simulcast, Sin, Sin Bin, Sinew, Sing, Singe, Single, Single-foot, Single-source, Sing-song, Singularize, Sinicize, Sink, Sink In, Sink Something In/into, Sinter, Sip, Siphon, Sire, Sit, Sit Back, Sit By, Sit Down, Site, Sit In, Sit In For, Sit On, Sit Something Out, Sit Through, Situate, Sit Up (Or Sit Someone Up), Siwash, Size, Sizzle

Verbs that start with Sj


Verbs that start with Sk

Skank, Skate, Skateboard, Sked, Skedaddle, Skeeve, Skeletonize, Skelly, Skelp, Sketch, Skew, Skewer, Ski, Ski-bob, Skid, Skidoo, Skill, Skim, Skimp, Skin, Skinch, Skinder, Skin-dive, Skinkle, Skinny-dip, Skin-pop, Skin-search, Skin Test, Skintle, Skip, Skipper, Skirl, Skirmish, Skirr, Skirt, Skitch, Skite, Skitter, Skittle, Skive, Skivvy, Skulk, Skull, Skunk, Sky, Skydive, Skyjack, Skylark, Skype, Skyrocket, Skywatch

Verbs that start with Sl

Slab, Slabber, Slack, Slacken, Slackline, Slag, Slake, Slalom, Slam, Slam-dance, Slam Dunk, Slander, Slang, Slant, Slap, Slash, Slate, Slather, Slaughter, Slave, Slave-drive, Slaver, Slay, Sleaze, Sled, Sledge, Sledgehammer, Sleek, Sleep, Sleep Around, Sleep In, Sleep Out, Sleep Over, Sleep Something Off, Sleep-train, Sleepwalk, Sleet, Sleigh, Slenderize, Sleuth, Slew, Slice, Slick, Slide, Slight, Slim, Slime, Sling, Slingshot, Slink, Slip, Slip Away, Slip Out, Slipper, Slip Something In, Slip Stitch, Slipstream, Slip Up, Slit, Slither, Sliver, Slob, Slobber, Slog, Sloganeer, Sloosh, Sloother, Slop, Slope, Slosh, Slot, Slouch, Slough, Slow, Slow-cook, Slow-dance, Slow Drag, Slub, Slug, Sluice, Slum, Slumber, Slummock, Slump, Slur, Slurp, Slush

Verbs that start with Sm

Smack, Smack Talk, Small-gang, Smarm, Smart, Smarten, Smart Mouth, Smart-talk, Smash, Smear, Smell, Smelt, Smile, Smirch, Smirk, Smite, Smith, Smize, Smock, Smoke, Smoke-dry, Smooch, Smoodge, Smoor, Smoosh, Smooth, Smoothen, Smooth Talk, Smother, Smoulder, Sms, Smudge, Smuggle, Smush, Smut

Verbs that start with Sn

Snack, Snaffle, Snafu, Snag, Snaggle, Snake, Snake Dance, Snap, Snap-freeze, Snap Out Of, Snap Something Up, Snare, Snarf, Snarfle, Snark, Snarl, Snatch, Snavel, Sneak, Sneck, Sned, Sneer, Sneeze, Snell, Snib, Snick, Snicker, Sniff, Sniffle, Snig, Snigger, Sniggle, Snip, Snipe, Snitch, Snivel, Snog, Snooker, Snoop, Snooze, Snore, Snorkel, Snort, Snow, Snowball, Snowboard, Snowmobile, Snowplough, Snowshoe, Snub, Snuff, Snuffle, Snug, Snuggle

Verbs that start with So

Soak, Soak Oneself In, Soak Something Up, Soap, Soar, Sob, Sober, Social Climb, Socialize, Sociate, Socinianize, Sociologize, Sock, Socket, Sock Something Away, Sock Something In, Sod, Sodden, Sodomize, Soft-boil, Soften, Soft-foot, Soft-land, Soft Launch, Soft Pedal, Soft Sell, Soft-shoe, Soft Soap, Soft-solder, Soft-talk, Soil, Sojourn, Solace, Solarize, Solder, Soldier, Sole, Solemnize, Sol-fa, Solicit, Solidify, Soliloquize, Solmizate, Solo, Solubilize, Solvate, Solve, Somatize, Somersault, Sonicate, Sonnet, Sool, Soot, Soothe, Sop, Sophisticate, Sorrow, Sort, Sortie, Sort Someone Out, Sort Something Out, Sot, Sough, Soulify, Soul-search, Sound, Sound Off, Soundproof, Soundtrack, Soup, Sour, Source, Souse, South, Souther, Southernize, Souvenir, Sovietize, Sow

Verbs that start with Sp

Space, Spacewalk, Spackle, Spade, Spae, Spall, Spam, Span, Spangle, Spank, Spar, Spare, Sparge, Spark, Sparkle, Spasm, Spat, Spatchcock, Spatialize, Spatter, Spawn, Spay, Spaz, Speak, Speak Out (Or Up), Speak Up, Speak Up For, Spear, Spearfish, Spearhead, Spec, Specialize, Special-order, Special-plead, Speciate, Specify, Speck, Speckle, Spect, Spectate, Speculate, Speechify, Speed, Speed Dial, Speed-read, Speedrun, Spell, Spellbind, Spellcheck, Spell Something Out, Spend, Spent, Spew, Sphere, Spice, Spider, Spiderweb, Spiel, Spiff, Spifflicate, Spike, Spike-bozzle, Spile, Spill, Spill Over, Spin, Spin-dry, Spine-bash, Spin Out, Spin Something Off, Spin Something Out, Spiral, Spiralize, Spirantize, Spirit, Spirit Someone Up, Spiritualize, Spirt, Spit, Spitball, Spitchcock, Spite, Spit-roast, Splash, Splash Down, Splash Out, Splat, Splatter, Splay, Splice, Spline, Splint, Splinter, Split, Splodge, Splosh, Splotch, Splurge, Splurt, Splutter, Spoach, Spoil, Spoken, Spokeshave, Spoliate, Sponge, Sponsor, Spoof, Spooge, Spook, Spool, Spoon, Spoon-feed, Spoor, Sport, Sporulate, Spot, Spot-buy, Spot Check, Spot-fix, Spotlight, Spot List, Spot-reduce, Spot-test, Spottle, Spot-weld, Spout, Spraddle, Sprain, Sprat, Sprauchle, Sprawl, Spray, Spray-dry, Spray Paint, Spread, Spreadeagle, Spreadsheet, Spree, Sprig, Spring, Spring Clean, Sprinkle, Sprint, Spritz, Sprog, Sprout, Spruce, Spruik, Spud, Spue, Spume, Spur, Spurn, Spurt, Sputter, Spy

Verbs that start with Sq

Squabble, Squall, Squander, Square, Square Cut, Square Dance, Square Off, Square Someone Off, Square Something Away, Square Up, Squash, Squat, Squawk, Squeak, Squeal, Squee, Squeegee, Squeeze, Squelch, Squib, Squick, Squid, Squidge, Squiggle, Squinch, Squinny, Squint, Squire, Squirm, Squirrel, Squirt, Squish, Squiz

Verbs that start with St

Stab, Stabilize, Stable, Stablish, Stack, Stack Up, Staff, Stag, Stage, Stage-dive, Stage-manage, Stagger, Stagnate, Stain, Stake, Stake Someone/something Out, Stale, Stalemate, Stalk, Stall, Stall-feed, Stammer, Stamp, Stampede, Stamp Something Out, Stan, Stanch, Stand, Stand Alone, Standardize, Stand Aside, Stand Back, Stand By, Stand Down, Stand For, Stand In, Stand In With, Stand Off, Stand On, Stand Out, Stand Over, Stand Someone Off, Stand Someone Up, Stand To, Stand Up, Stand Up For, Stand Up To, Staple, Star, Star 69, Starboard, Starch, Stare, Stare Someone Out (Or Down), Stargaze, Starken, Start, Start Again, Start In, Startle, Start Off (Or Start Someone/something Off), Start On, Start Out (Or Up), Start Over, Starve, Stash, State, Statement, Staticize, Static-test, Station, Statisticize, Statize, Statufy, Staunch, Stave, Stay, Stay Behind, Stay On, Stay Over, Stay-stitch, Stay Up, Stay With, Steady, Steal, Steam, Steam Heat, Steamroll, Steamroller, Steel, Steep, Steepen, Steeple, Steer, Steeve, Stem, Stencil, Stent, Step, Step Aside, Step Back, Step Down, Step Forward, Step In, Step Out, Step Out On, Step Something Down, Step Something Up, Stereotype, Sterilize, Stet, Steups, Stew, Steward, Stick, Stick Around, Stick At, Stick By, Stick-handle, Stick Out, Stick Out For, Stick Someone/something Up, Stick Something On, Stick To, Stick Together, Stick Up For, Stick With, Stickybeak, Stiff, Stiff-arm, Stiffen, Stifle, Stigmatize, Still, Still-hunt, Stimulate, Sting, Stink, Stint, Stipple, Stipulate, Stir, Stir-fry, Stir Something Up, Stitch, Stock, Stockade, Stockpile, Stocktake, Stog, Stoke, Stomach, Stomp, Stone, Stonewall, Stonk, Stooge, Stook, Stool, Stoop, Stop, Stop By (Or In), Stope, Stop Off (Or Over), Stop Out, Stopper, Stopple, Stop Something Down, Stop Something Out, Stop Up, Store, Store Something Up, Storify, Storm, Storm-troop, Stot, Stoush, Stove, Stove Enamel, Stovepipe, Stow, Stow Away, Straddle, Strafe, Straggle, Straight-arm, Straighten, Strain, Straiten, Straitjacket, Strand, Strangle, Strangulate, Strap, Strap-hang, Strategize, Stratify, Stravaig, Stray, Streak, Stream, Streamline, Streel, Strengthen, Stress, Stress Test, Stretch, Stretcher, Strew, Striate, Stricken, Stride, Stridulate, Strike, Strike Back, Strike-break, Strike In, Strike Someone Out (Or Strike Out), Strike Up (Or Strike Something Up), Strim, String, String Along, String Out, String Someone/something Up, String Someone Along, String Something Out, Strip, Stripe, Strip Mine, Strip-search, Strive, Strobe, Stroke, Stroll, Strong-arm, Strop, Strow, Structuralize, Structurate, Structure, Structurize, Struggle, Strum, Strut, Stub, Stucco, Stud, Studentize, Studify, Study, Stuff, Stuff Up (Or Stuff Something Up), Stultify, Stum, Stumble, Stump, Stump Something Up, Stun, Stunt, Stupe, Stupefy, Stutter, Sty, Style, Stylize, Stymie

Verbs that start with Su

Sub, Subalternate, Subalternize, Subassemble, Subaud, Subbie, Subcategorize, Subclassify, Subclone, Subcolonize, Subcommit, Subcontract, Subcool, Subdelegate, Sub-demise, Subdichotomize, Subdilute, Subdistinguish, Subdivide, Subduce, Subduct, Subdue, Subedit, Subenfeoff, Suberize, Subfarm, Subfeu, Subfix, Subimpose, Subincise, Subindicate, Subinduce, Subinfeud, Subinfeudate, Subirrigate, Subitize, Subject, Subjectify, Subjectivize, Subjoin, Subjugate, Sublate, Sublease, Sublet, Sublimate, Sublime, Sublimize, Subluxate, Submerge, Submerse, Submit, Submodify, Submonish, Subordain, Subordinate, Suborn, Subpassage, Subplant, Sub-plough, Subpoena, Sub-rent, Subrogate, Subsample, Subscribe, Subsect, Subserve, Subserviate, Subside, Subsidize, Subsign, Subsist, Subsoil, Subsoil-plough, Subspecialize, Substand, Substantialize, Substantiate, Substantify, Substantivate, Substantivize, Substantize, Substitute, Substitute Teach, Subsume, Subtabulate, Subtend, Subtilize, Subtitle, Subtlize, Subtopianize, Subtotal, Subtract, Subunderstand, Sub-underwrite, Suburbanize, Subvene, Subvent, Subventionize, Subverse, Subvert, Subvocalize, Succeed, Succour, Succumb, Succuss, Suck, Sucker, Sucker-bash, Sucker Punch, Suckhole, Suckle, Suck Someone In, Suck Someone Off, Suck Up, Suction, Suds, Sue, Suffer, Suffice, Suffix, Suffocate, Suffuse, Sug, Sugar, Sugar-coat, Suggest, Suicide, Suit, Sulk, Sull, Sully, Sulphonate, Sulphur, Sum, Summarize, Summer, Summersault, Summit, Summon, Summons, Sum Someone/something Up, Sum Up, Sun, Sunbake, Sunbathe, Sunburn, Sunder, Sun-dry, Sunset, Suntan, Sup, Supe, Superabound, Superadd, Superannuate, Super-arrogate, Superate, Supercalender, Supercarbonate, Supercede, Supercharge, Supercise, Supercoil, Superconduct, Supercontract, Supercool, Superelevate, Superencipher, Supererogate, Superexalt, Superexcel, Superexist, Superexpend, Superfetate, Superficialize, Superfix, Superfuse, Superglue, Superheat, Superhumanize, Superimpose, Superinduce, Superinfect, Superinfuse, Superinscribe, Superinstitute, Superintend, Supernate, Supernaturalize, Supernumerate, Superonerate, Superosculate, Superovulate, Superpose, Superposit, Superrotate, Supersaturate, Superscribe, Supersede, Supersize, Superstruct, Supersubstantiate, Supersubtilize, Supertitle, Supervene, Supervise, Supinate, Suppeditate, Supplace, Supplant, Supple, Supplement, Supplicate, Supply, Supply-teach, Support, Suppose, Suppositate, Suppress, Supprime, Suppurate, Suppute, Suprasaturate, Surcease, Surcharge, Surf, Surface, Surface-harden, Surf Bathe, Surf-cast, Surfeit, Surf-ride, Surge, Surmise, Surmount, Surname, Surpass, Surprise, Surrender, Surround, Sursumduct, Surtitle, Surveil, Survey, Survive, Suspect, Suspend, Suspire, Suss, Sustain, Susurrate, Suture

Verbs that start with Sw

Swab, Swaddle, Swag, Swage, Swagger, Swallow, Swallow Dive, Swamp, Swan, Swan Dive, Swank, Swap, Swarm, Swarm Up, Swash, Swashbuckle, Swat, Swatch, Swathe, Sway, Swear, Swear By, Swear Off, Swear Someone In, Swear Something Out, Swear To, Sweat, Swedge, Sweep, Sweeten, Sweet Talk, Swell, Swelter, Swerve, Swidden, Swig, Swill, Swim, Swindle, Swing, Swinge, Swingle, Swipe, Swirl, Swish, Switch, Switch-hit, Switch Off, Switch Something Off (Or On), Swither, Swive, Swivel, Swizzle, Swole, Swoon, Swoop, Swoosh, Sworn, Swot

Verbs that start with Sy

Syllabify, Syllabize, Syllable, Syllogize, Symbol, Symbolize, Symmetrize, Sympathize, Symptomize, Sync, Synchronize, Syncopate, Syncretize, Syndicate, Synergize, Synopsize, Synthesize, Syphilize, Syringe, Systematize, Systemize


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