Verbs that Start with u
We found 446 Verbs that start with U. You can add your own verbs that start with U in the comments box.
Verbs that start with Ub
Verbs that start with Ug
Verbs that start with Ul
Ulcerate, Ultracentrifuge, Ultrafilter, Ululate
Verbs that start with Um
Umlaut, Ump, Umpire
Verbs that start with Un
Unarm, Unbalance, Unban, Unbar, Unbelt, Unbend, Unbind, Unblind, Unblock, Unbolt, Unbonnet, Unbosom, Unbox, Unbrace, Unbraid, Unbridle, Unbuckle, Unbuild, Unbundle, Unburden, Unbury, Unbutton, Uncage, Uncap, Uncase, Unchain, Uncheck, Unchurch, Unclamp, Unclasp, Unclench, Unclick, Unclip, Uncloak, Unclog, Unclose, Unclothe, Uncoil, Uncomment, Uncord, Uncork, Uncouple, Uncover, Uncrate, Uncrease, Uncreate, Uncross, Uncrown, Uncrumple, Uncurl, Undeceive, Undelete, Underachieve, Underact, Underappreciate, Underbid, Undercapitalize, Undercast, Undercharge, Undercling, Undercoat, Undercook, Undercool, Undercount, Undercut, Underdamp, Under-deliver, Underdetermine, Underdress, Underemphasize, Underestimate, Underexpose, Underfeed, Underfund, Undergird, Undergo, Underground, Underhit, Underinvest, Underlay, Underlease, Underlet, Underlie, Underline, Underlying, Underman, Undermine, Underpay, Underperform, Underpin, Underplant, Underplay, Underprice, Underproduce, Underprop, Underquote, Underrate, Under-read, Under-record, Under-report, Under-represent, Underscore, Underscrub, Underseal, Undersell, Underset, Undershoot, Undershot, Undersow, Underspend, Understaff, Understand, Understate, Understeer, Understudy, Undertake, Underthrust, Undertip, Underuse, Underutilize, Undervalue, Underweight, Underwhelm, Underwork, Underwrite, Undo, Undock, Undress, Undulate, Unearth, Unentangle, Unequalize, Unfasten, Unfetter, Unfit, Unfix, Unfocus, Unfold, Unfollow, Unfreeze, Unfriend, Unfrock, Unfurl, Ungird, Ungrave, Ungroup, Unguard, Unhand, Unhang, Unhappen, Unharness, Unhasp, Unhinge, Unhitch, Unholster, Unhood, Unhook, Unhorse, Unhusk, Uniform, Unify, Uninstall, Unionize, Unitarianize, Unite, Unitize, Universalize, Unjoin, Unjoint, Unking, Unkink, Unknit, Unknot, Unlace, Unlade, Unlash, Unlatch, Unlay, Unlearn, Unleash, Unlike, Unlimber, Unlink, Unload, Unlock, Unloose, Unloosen, Unmagic, Unmagnify, Unmaid, Unmail, Unmake, Unman, Unmanacle, Unmantle, Unmarry, Unmask, Unmast, Unmaster, Unmate, Unmaze, Unmember, Unmerit, Unmesh, Unmesmerize, Unmind, Unmingle, Unminister, Unmist, Unmix, Unmodernize, Unmonopolize, Unmoor, Unmoralize, Unmortgage, Unmould, Unmount, Unmuffle, Unmute, Unmuzzle, Unnail, Unnation, Unnative, Unnaturalize, Unnerve, Unnest, Unnestle, Unniche, Unnoble, Unnock, Unnotice, Unnotify, Un-nun, Unobstruct, Unordain, Unorder, Unown, Unpack, Unpadlock, Unpaint, Unpaper, Unparadise, Unparadox, Unpardon, Unpaste, Unpause, Unpave, Unpawn, Unpay, Unpedestal, Unpeel, Unpeg, Unpen, Unpeople, Unperch, Unperplex, Unpervert, Unpetrify, Unphilosophize, Unpick, Unpicket, Unpile, Unpin, Unpinion, Unplace, Unplait, Unplan, Unplank, Unplant, Unplaster, Unplat, Unpleat, Unplug, Unplumb, Unplunge, Unply, Unpocket, Unpoise, Unpoison, Unpolish, Unpope, Unpopularize, Unpopulate, Unpossess, Unpot, Unpower, Unpractise, Unpraise, Unpray, Unpreach, Unprejudice, Unprepare, Unpriest, Unprint, Unprison, Unproblematize, Unpromise, Unpronounce, Unprop, Unprotestantize, Unpublish, Unpucker, Unpuff, Unpurse, Unqualify, Unqueen, Unquibble, Unquilt, Unquote, Unrake, Unrank, Unravel, Unrealize, Unreel, Unreeve, Unrefine, Unrein, Unremember, Unrepent, Unrequest, Unresemble, Unresolve, Unretire, Unreverence, Unriddle, Unrig, Unring, Unrip, Unrivet, Unrobe, Unroll, Unroof, Unroost, Unroot, Unrope, Unround, Unruffle, Unrumple, Unsaddle, Unsay, Unscramble, Unscrew, Unseal, Unseat, Unsee, Unselect, Unsend, Unset, Unsettle, Unsex, Unshackle, Unsheathe, Unship, Unsling, Unsnap, Unsnarl, Unsolder, Unspool, Unstep, Unstick, Unstitch, Unstop, Unstopper, Unstrap, Unstring, Unsub, Unsubscribe, Unswathe, Untack, Untag, Untangle, Unteach, Untether, Unthaw, Unthread, Unthrone, Untie, Untruss, Untuck, Untwine, Untwist, Untying, Unveil, Unweight, Unwind, Unwrap, Unyoke, Unzip
Verbs that start with Up
Up, Up-anchor, Upbraid, Upbuild, Upcase, Upcast, Upchuck, Upcycle, Update, Upend, Upgrade, Upheave, Uphold, Upholster, Uplift, Uplink, Upload, Uppercut, Upraise, Uprate, Uprear, Uprise, Uproot, Upscale, Upsell, Upset, Upshift, Upsize, Upskill, Upstage, Upthrow, Upthrust, Upturn, Upvote, Upwarp
Verbs that start with Ur
Urbanize, Urge, Urinate, Urn, Urticate
Verbs that start with Us
Use, Usen, Use Something Up, Useter, Usher, Usurp
Verbs that start with Ut
Utilize, Utopianize, Utter