Verbs that start with K | Verbs starting with K


Verbs that Start with K

We found 142 Verbs that start with K.  You can add your own verbs that start with K in the comments box.

Verbs that start with Ka

Kalsomine, Kaolinize, Karate-chop, Karstify, Kayak, Kayo

Verbs that start with Ke

Keck, Kedge, Keek, Keel, Keelhaul, Keen, Keep, Keep At (Or Keep Someone At), Keep Away (Or Keep Someone Away), Keep Back (Or Keep Someone/something Back), Keep Down, Keep From (Or Keep Someone From), Keep In With, Keep Off, Keep On, Keep On About, Keep On At, Keep Out (Or Keep Someone/something Out), Keep Someone/something Off, Keep Someone/something On, Keep Someone After, Keep Someone Back, Keep Someone Down, Keep Someone In, Keep Someone Off, Keep Someone Under, Keep Someone Up, Keep Something Back, Keep Something Down, Keep Something From, Keep Something In, Keep Something Up, Keep To, Keep Up (Also Keep Up With), Keep Up With, Ken, Kennel, Kep, Keratinize, Kern, Kettle, Key, Keyboard, Keypunch, Key Someone/something Into (Or In With), Key Something To

Verbs that start with Ki

Kibble, Kibitz, Kibosh, Kick, Kick Against, Kick Around (Or About), Kick Back, Kick Down, Kick In, Kick Off, Kick On, Kick Someone Around, Kick Someone Out, Kick Something Around (Or About), Kick Something In, Kick-start, Kick Turn, Kick Up, Kid, Kidnap, Kidney Fat, Kill, Kill File, Kiln-dry, Kilt, Kindergartenize, Kindle, King, King-hit, Kink, Kip, Kipper, Kirkify, Kiss, Kiss Someone/something Off, Kiss Up To, Kit, Kite, Kiteboard, Kitten, Kittle

Verbs that start with Kl

Kloof, Kludge

Verbs that start with Kn

Knacker, Knap, Knead, Knee, Kneecap, Kneel, Knell, Knife, Knight, Knit, Knob, Knock, Knock About (Or Around), Knock Off, Knock On, Knock Someone/something About (Or Around), Knock Someone Back, Knock Someone Down (Or Over), Knock Someone Off, Knock Someone Out, Knock Someone Over, Knock Someone Sideways, Knock Someone Up, Knock Something Back, Knock Something Down, Knock Something Off, Knock Something Out, Knock Something Over, Knock Something Together, Knock Something Up, Knock Up, Knoll, Knot, Knout, Know, Known, Knuckle, Knuckle Down, Knuckle Under

Verbs that start with Ko

Ko, Kosher, Kowtow

Verbs that start with Kr

Kraal, Krump,

Verbs that start with Kv

Kvell, Kvetch

Verbs that start with Ky



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