Verbs that start with H | Verbs starting with H


Verbs that Start with H

We found 428 Verbs that start with H.  You can add your own verbs that start with H in the comments box.

Verbs that start with Ha

Habilitate, Habit, Habituate, Hack, Hack Around, Hackle, Hacksaw, Hack Someone Off, Hade, Hae, Haemagglutinate, Haemorrhage, Haft, Hafta, Haggle, Hail, Hale, Half-arse, Half-inch, Hallmark, Halloo, Hallow, Hallucinate, Halo, Halogenate, Halt, Halter, Halter-break, Halve, Ham, Hammer, Hammer Something Out, Hamper, Hamstring, Hand, Handbag, Hand-block, Handcraft, Hand Crank, Handcuff, Handfast, Hand-feed, Hand-hoe, Handhold, Handicap, Hand Jam, Hand-jive, Hand-knit, Handle, Hand-letter, Hand-line, Handmake, Hand Over, Handpass, Hand-pick, Hand-pollinate, Hand-punch, Hand-rear, Hand Someone/something Over, Hand Someone Off, Hand Something Down, Hand Something In, Hand Something On, Hand Something Out, Hand Something Round (Or Around), Handwash, Hand-wave, Hand-weed, Handwrite, Hang, Hangar, Hang Around, Hang Back, Hang-glide, Hang In, Hang On, Hang Out, Hang Something On, Hang Something Out, Hang Something Up, Hang Together, Hang Up, Hanker, Hansel, Hap, Happen, Happify, Happy Slap, Harangue, Harass, Harbour, Hard-boil, Hard-code, Harden, Harden Something Off, Hard Launch, Hardwire, Hare, Hark, Hark Back To, Harm, Harmonize, Harness, Harp, Harpoon, Harrow, Harrumph, Harry, Harshen, Harvest, Hash, Hasp, Hassle, Haste, Hasten, Hatch, Hatchel, Hate, Hate-watch, Haul, Haul Off, Haul Out, Haunt, Have, Have (Got) Something On, Have At, Haver, Have Someone On, Have Someone Up, Have Something Out, Havoc, Hawk, Hay, Hazard, Haze

Verbs that start with He

Head, Headbang, Headbutt, Head-carry, Headhunt, Headline, Head-load, Headquarter, Head-reach, Head-shake, Head Someone/something Off, Head Up, Heal, Heap, Hear, Hearken, Heart, Hearten, Heart-strike, Heat, Heat-seal, Heat-treat, Heave, Heave To, Hebraize, Heckle, Hector, Hedge, Hedge-hop, Heed, Hee-haw, Heel, Heft, Hegemonize, Heighten, Heist, Helicopter, Heliograph, Heli-ski, Hellenicize, Hellenize, Hello, Helm, Help, Hem, Hemstitch, Henna, Henpeck, Heparinize, Herald, Herd, Herniate, Heroicize, Heroify, Heroine-worship, Heroinize, Heroize, Hero Worship, Herringbone, Hesitate, Heterodyne, Hew, Hex

Verbs that start with Hi

Hibernate, Hiccup, Hidden, Hide, Hie, Hierarchize, Higgle, Highball, High-centre, High Five, High Hat, Highlight, Highside, High-stick, Hightail, High-tone, Hijack, Hike, Hill, Hinder, Hinduize, Hinge, Hint, Hire, Hirple, Hispanicize, Hiss, Histolyse, Historiate, Historicize, Historify, Historize, Histrionize, Hit, Hitch, Hitch-hike, Hit On, Hit Someone Up, Hive, Hive Something Off

Verbs that start with Ho

Hoach, Hoard, Hoarsen, Hoax, Hobble, Hobday, Hobnob, Hock, Hocus, Hoe, Hog, Hog-tie, Hoick, Hoist, Hoke, Hold, Hold Back, Hold Forth, Hold Off, Hold On, Hold On To, Hold Out, Hold Out For, Hold Out On, Hold Someone/something Back, Hold Someone/something Off, Hold Someone/something Up, Hold Someone Down, Hold Something Against Someone, Hold Something Down, Hold Something In, Hold Something Out, Hold Something Over, Hold Together (Or Hold Something Together), Hold Up, Hold With, Hole, Hole Out, Hole Up, Holiday, Holler, Hollow, Hollywoodize, Holster, Holystone, Home, Homebake, Home-cook, Home-deliver, Home-educate, Home-perm, Homer, Homerize, Homeschool, Homogenize, Homologate, Homologize, Honcho, Hondle, Hone, Honeycomb, Honeyfuggle, Honeymoon, Honk, Honk-honk, Honorify, Honour, Hood, Hoodoo, Hoodwink, Hoof, Hook, Hook Up, Hoon, Hoop, Hoot, Hoover, Hop, Hope, Hop In (Or Out), Hop Into, Hopple, Hopscotch, Horn, Horn In, Hornswoggle, Horrify, Horripilate, Horse, Horse Around (Or About), Horse-trade, Horsewhip, Hose, Hose Down, Hospitalize, Host, Hot, Hot Desk, Hot Dog, Hot-draw, Hotelify, Hotelize, Hotfoot, Hothouse, Hotlink, Hot-mould, Hot Press, Hot Rod, Hot-roll, Hot-swap, Hot-wire, Hot-work, Hough, Hound, House, Housebreak, Houseburn, Houseclean, House-feed, House-hunt, Housekeep, Housel, House-sit, House Swap, House-train, Housewarm, Hover, Howk, Howl, Hoy

Verbs that start with Hu

Huck, Huckster, Huddle, Huff, Hug, Hula Hoop, Hull, Hum, Humanify, Humanitarianize, Humanize, Humble, Humblebrag, Humbug, Humect, Humidify, Humify, Humiliate, Humorize, Humour, Hump, Hunch, Hung, Hunger, Hunker, Hunt, Hurdle, Hurl, Hurrah, Hurry, Hurt, Hurtle, Husband, Husbandize, Hush, Husk, Hustle, Hut, Hut-keep, Huzza

Verbs that start with Hy

Hybridize, Hydrate, Hydrogenate, Hydrolyse, Hydroplane, Hydroxylate, Hying, Hymn, Hype, Hyperbolize, Hyperextend, Hyperlink, Hyperventilate, Hyphenate, Hypnotize, Hypostasize, Hypostatize, Hypothecate, Hypothesize, Hysterectomize


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