Verbs that Start with A
We found 613 Verbs that start with A. You can add your own verbs that start with A in the comments box. If they rock the will become part of the list.
A, Aah,
Verbs that Start with Ab
Abacinate, Aband, Abandon, Abase, Abash, Abate, Abbreviate, Abdicate, Abduce, Abduct, Abear, Aberrate, Aberuncate, Abet, Abey, Abhor, Abide, Abilitate, Abjudicate, Abjugate, Abjure, Ablate, Abligate, Ablude, Ablute, Abmigrate, Abnegate, Abnormalize, Abode, Abolish, Abolitionize, Abominate, Aborn, Aborning, Abort, Abound, About-turn, Abrade, Abrase, Abreact, Abridge, Abrogate, Abscind, Abscise, Absciss, Abscond, Abseil, Absent, Absolutize, Absolve, Absorb, Absquatulate, Abstain, Absterge, Absterse, Abstract, Abstrict, Abuse, Abut, Abye
Verbs that Start with Ac
Academicize, Academize, Accede, Accelerate, Accent, Accentuate, Accept, Access, Accession, Accessorize, Acclaim, Acclimate, Acclimatize, Accommodate, Accommode, Accompany, Accomplish, Accord, Accost, Accouche, Account, Account For, Accouple, Accoutre, Accredit, Accreditate, Accresce, Accrete, Accroach, Accrue, Accrust, Acculturate, Acculture, Acculturize, Accumulate, Accurize, Accurse, Accuse, Accustom, Ace, Acerbate, Acetify, Acetylate, Ache, Achieve, Achoo, Achromatize, Acidify, Acidize, Acidulate, Acknowledge, Acquaint, Acquiesce, Acquihire, Acquire, Acquit, Acronymize, Act, Action, Actionize, Activate, Actor-manage, Actualize, Actuate, Act Up, Acuate, Acupunctuate, Acylate
Verbs that Start with Ad
Adapt, Adaptate, Add, Addle, Address, Adduce, Adduct, Add Up, Add Up To, Adeem, Adempt, Adhere, Adhibit, Adhorn, Adhort, Adiate, Adject, Adjectivize, Adjoin, Adjourn, Adjudge, Adjudicate, Adjure, Adjust, Adlect, Ad Lib, Admarginate, Admeasure, Administer, Administrate, Admire, Admit, Admix, Admixt, Admonish, Adnumber, Adolesce, Adonize, Adopt, Adore, Adorn, Adornate, Adpress, Adrenalectomize, Adrenalize, Adrogate, Adscribe, Adsignify, Adsorb, Adstipulate, Adulate, Adult, Adulter, Adulterate, Adulterize, Adumber, Adumbrate, Advance, Advantage, Advect, Advene, Adventure, Adverbialize, Advert, Advertise, Advise, Advocate, Advoke, Adze
Verbs that Start with Ae
Aerate, Aerify, Aerobat, Aerobicize, Aerobrake, Aerosolize, Aestheticize, Aestivate
Verbs that Start with Af
Afear, Affect, Affeer, Affeir, Affiance, Affiche, Afficher, Affiliate, Affirm, Affix, Afflate, Afflict, Afforce, Afford, Afforest, Affranchise, Affreight, Affright, Affront, Affuse, Africanize, Afrikanderize, Afrikanerize, After-chrome, Aftercool, Afterload
Verbs that Start with Ag
Again-say, Agatize, Age, Age-date, Age-harden, Agglomerate, Agglutinate, Agglutinize, Aggrade, Aggrandize, Aggravate, Aggrave, Aggregate, Aggress, Aggrieve, Agist, Agitate, Agname, Agnize, Agonize, Agrarianize, Agree
Verbs that Start with Ah
Verbs that Start with Ai
Aid, Aid-climb, Ail, Aim, Air, Airbrush, Air-condition, Air-cool, Air-cure, Air-dash, Airdrop, Air-dry, Air-express, Airfreight, Air-harden, Air-kiss, Airland, Air Layer, Airlift, Airmail, Air Mark, Air-seal, Air-season, Airt
Verbs that Start with Al
Alacrify, Alarm, Albify, Albitize, Albumenize, Alchemize, Alcoholize, Alembicate, Alert, Algebraicize, Algebraize, Alias, Alibi, Alienate, Alienize, Alight, Alighten, Alight On, Align, Aliquot, Alkalify, Alkalinize, Alkalize, Alkylate, Allaborate, Allatectomize, Allay, Allegate, Allege, Allegorize, Alleviate, Allide, Alligate, Alliterate, Allocate, Allocute, Allot, Allotransplant, Allow, Allowance, Alloy, Allude, Allumine, Allure, Alluviate, Ally, Alphabetize, Alpha Test, Alter, Alterate, Altercate, Altern, Alternate, Aluminate, Aluminize,
Verbs that Start with Am
Amalgamate, Amass, Amaze, Amble, Ambulance, Ambulate, Ambuscade, Ambush, Ameliorate, Amend, Amerce, Amerciate, Americanize, Amnesty, Amortize, Amount, Amp, Amplify, Amputate, Amuse
Verbs that Start with An
Anaesthetize, Anagrammatize, Analogize, Analyse, Anastomose, Anathematize, Anatomize, Anchor, Androgenize, Anele, Anger, Angle, Angle-park, Anglicanize, Anglicize, Anglify, Anglize, Anglo-saxonize, Anguish, Angulate, Animadvert, Animalize, Animate, Ankle, Ankylose, Anneal, Annex, Annihilate, Annotate, Announce, Annoy, Annuitize, Annul, Annunciate, Anodize, Anoint, Anonymize, Answer, Antagonize, Ante, Antecede, Antedate, Antepone, Antevert, Anthemize, Anthologize, Anthropologize, Anthropomorphitize, Anthropomorphize, Anthropomorphose, Anthropophagize, Anticipate, Antique
Verbs that Start with Ap
Ape, Apex, Aphorize, Apologize, Apostatize, Apostrophize, Apotheose, Apotheosize, Appal, Apparel, Appeal, Appear, Appease, Append, Appertain, Applaud, Applicate, Appliqué, Apply, Appoint, Apportion, Appose, Appraise, Appreciate, Apprehend, Apprentice, Appress, Apprise, Apprize, Approach, Approbate, Appropriate, Approve, Approximate
Verbs that Start with Aq
Aqualung, Aquaplane, Aquatint
Verbs that Start with Ar
Arabianize, Arabicize, Arabize, Arbitrage, Arbitrate, Arc, Arch, Archaeologize, Archaize, Archie, Architect, Archive, Arcticize, Argue, Argufy, Arise, Arithmetize, Arm, Arminianize, Armour, Arm-twist, Arm-wrestle, Aromatize, Arouse, Arpeggiate, Arraign, Arrange, Array, Arrest, Arrive, Arrogate, Arrow, Arse, Art-direct, Art Edit, Art-educate, Arterialize, Artex, Artialize, Article, Articulate, Artificialize, Artify
Verbs that Start with As
Ascend, Ascertain, Ascribe, Asexualize, Ask, Aspect, Asperse, Asphalt, Asphyxiate, Aspirate, Aspire, Assail, Assart, Assassinate, Assault, Assay, Assegai, Assemble, Assent, Assert, Assess, Asset-strip, Asseverate, Assibilate, Assign, Assimilate, Assist, Associate, Assonate, Assort, Assuage, Assume, Assure, Asterisk, Astonish, Astound, Astrogate, Astrologize, Astronomize
Verbs that Start with At
Athetize, Athleticize, Atomize, Atone, Atrophy, Attacca, Attach, Attack, Attain, Attaint, Attempt, Attend, Attenuate, Attest, Attire, Attitudinize, Attorn, Attract, Attribute, Attrit, Attune
Verbs that Start with Au
Auction, Audio Dub, Audio Tape, Audit, Audition, Augment, Augur, Auscultate, Australianize, Authenticate, Author, Authorize, Auto-activate, Auto-boot, Autoclave, Autoconfigure, Autocorrect, Autocorrelate, Auto-destruct, Autodial, Auto-enrol, Autograph, Auto-intoxicate, Autoionize, Autoland, Autolithograph, Autolyse, Automate, Automatize, Automize, Automobilize, Autonomize, Autoplay, Autopsy, Autoradiograph, Autoregulate, Autorotate, Autosave, Autosuggest, Autoswitch, Autotomize, Autotransfuse, Autotune, Autowind, Autoxidize
Verbs that Start with Av
Avail, Avail Oneself Of, Avalanche, Avenge, Aver, Average, Avert, Aviate, Avoid, Avouch, Avow, Avulse
Verbs that Start with Aw
Await, Awake, Awaken, Award, Awe
Verbs that Start with Ax
Ax, Axe, Axiomatize